Need Help? The Sports Broadcasting Fund is here for YOU!

The SVG Sports Broadcasting Fund was established in 2012 by the Sports Video Group as a means of helping those in the sports TV production community who find themselves in financial need due to illness, injury, disaster, and more.

Our goal is simple: to be available as a “first responder” and to quickly help those we help pay bills so that recipients can stretch their own cash reserves so that stress related to financial challenges are not piled onto an already stressful situation.

SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING THE CORONAVIRUS: Unfortunately the Fund is unable to assist with claims related to loss of work due to event cancellation. 

If you need to apply for aid please download our aid application form (found here) and fill it out. We do not ask for intimate financial records but we do require an “Advocate Referee,” who can be a friend, colleague, mentor, employer or associate of the applicant, to sign off on and submit all applications with proper documentation (for example, copies of bills to paid).

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must have worked in the sports broadcasting production industry for one year.
  • Immediate family members of those employed in the sports broadcasting field may be eligible for grants.
  • Applicants must be U.S. or Canadian residents.


  • Grants typically do not exceed $5,000.
  • Individuals may apply and receive not more than three (3) grants. Multiple gifts will be made only after all other resources are exhausted.
  • All grants will paid directly to vendors, and must be used for those documented expense such as, medicine, medical equipment, rent/mortgage payments, oxygen, clothing, funeral expenses etc.
  • All grants will require documentation, invoices or receipts before being paid.
  • Please note, the Sports Broadcasting Fund has been established to provide short-term assistance to those in need rather than long-term support.


  • Loans
  • Multiple year pledges
  • Debt reduction
  • Legal fees
  • Fundraising events/activities